Claire Brodie is the founder of Spring Physiotherapy. She qualified in 2005 and worked at a leading London teaching hospital for nine years, where she specialised firstly in musculoskeletal and then hand therapy and the upper limb.
After having three children (and complicated deliveries!) Claire developed a real passion for educating and helping women in the area of women's health and postnatal care.
Qualifications and Accreditations
Bsc (Hons) Physiotherapy King's College London
Member of the POGP
Member of the CSP
HCPC registered
Further training:
NOI: Mobilisation of the nervous system
BAHT level I
BAHT level II (thumb)
Foundation ALIED acupuncture course (80 hours)
Assessment of Hand Function and Sensory relearning after peripheral nerve repair injury to the hand
The carpus and the DRUJ (2 day course)
Pelvic Floor and Core Foundations (Burrell Education)
Assessment of the Female Pelvic Floor (Kate Walsh, Simply Pelvic Health)
3rd Age Woman Certification (Burrell Education)
Kinesiotaping in Pregnancy and Post birth (Burrell Education)
Managing complex female pelvic pain (POGP)
Functional pelvic floor assessment (Helen Keeble)
The Happy Bladder Course (Jilly Bond)
Neuromuscular Stimulation (NMES) (Funmi Odofin)
The Bowel Course (Lucy Allen)